
Showing posts from June, 2021

Top 8 Car Maintenance Tips For A Worry-Free Drive | 365bloggy

    Take Benefits Of Car Maintenance Tips In India, buying a Car is always a dream of every individual. That is how the Indian Automobile sector works. We all have a dream of a Car and We end up this dream by buying a car at some point of time in our life. A Car is not only a vehicle but it is also a symbol of status and pride but once you will buy a car, It comes with some challenges. In order to keep good running of your car it is necessary to do maintenance of your car. In India, We have some Good, Bad or Worst roads so it is a big challenge to maintain good condition of Car and one more challenge is traffic on roads. We are going to discuss  top 8 car maintenance tips  to keep your car in good condition and this tips are very simple and easy which can easily performed by yourself at home during weekends. Always Go Through Owner’s Manual  Every car comes with an Owner’s user manual. You must read the user manual to know more details about your car. All the in...

Nutrition Advice For Adults During The COVID-19 Outbreak - Technology Blog For Everyone

  EAT HEALTHY TO MAKE YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM STRONGER WHILE COVID-19 OUTBREAK It is necessary to have proper nutrition and hydration . People who eat well-balanced diet can have a strong immunity system, Healthier body and lower chances of infections and chronic diseases so you can use variety of Fresh and unprocessed foods daily to get Protein, Vitamins, Minerals, Fibers and Antioxidants body as per your need. Always drink enough water, Avoid salt, Sugar and Fat to have a lower risk of Obesity, Overweight, Heart Disease, Strokes, Diabetes and certain types of Cancer.  Always Eat Fresh And Unprocessed Foods Everyday Eat Vegetables, Fruits, Beans, Nuts and Whole grains i.e Brown Rice, Wheat, Oats, Unprocessed Maize, Starchy foods such as Potato Yam, Cassava, Eggs, Fish, Meat and Milk.  Daily Eat : 2 Cups of Fruit, 2.5 Cups of Vegetables, 180 Gms Grains, 160 Gms Beans and Meat  Use raw vegetables, Fresh Fruits for snacks rather than foods that are with high Salt, Fat or Su...

Alternative Ways To Say “How Are You ?” - Technology Blog For Everyone

  DON’T SAY HOW ARE YOU? BUT YOU CAN USE ALTERNATIVES If you want to learn a few new ways to say “ How are you? ” in English so this type of question always comes from English speakers all the time. It is a general point that when we are meeting someone or meeting friends at that time everyone is asking the same question. So there are many other ways to ask so here we have discussed few of them, Common ways to ask “ How are you ?” Common ways to ask “How are you?” How are you? This is one of the basic phrases in English when we start our meeting with clients, discussion with friends, your manager or teacher and the general answer from the people is “I am Good/Fine, Thanks.  How’s it going on? It is a more informal way than how are you? But it is a very good general phrase that you can use and you can use this phrase to your boss or senior person to have a relationship with them but the answer of this question will be the same “Fine, Thanks” How are things? OR How’s everything?...

7 Ways To Stay Happy In Uncertain Time www.

  Many Ways To Stay Happy And Positive Right Now, The situation is like keep calm and carry on.  But every breaking news surrounding corona virus , it can be impossible to keep your heart rate down and make your worries away. The world may have changed rapidly in the last few weeks, but the ability to learn how to stay happy and positive has not.  ·         Learn From Past Mistakes  ·         Try To Spend Time With Loved Ones  ·         Start Your Day Off Right  ·         Do Good For Someone Else  ·         Less Friends, Good Friends ·         Sleep  ·         Laugh More Learn From Past Mistakes  You cannot learn anything from a mistake until you accept that you made it so take a breath, accept it and...

Best Ways to Hide Apps on Android | 365bloggy

  Different Ways to Hide Apps On Android Without Disabling When we are thinking about hiding an app on Android , We always think to disable it or Uninstall it but by doing this app data will be deleted and we need to set the app from scratch once we need it. In this post we will show you about hide apps on Android or tablet without disabling or uninstalling it. Everyone wants to hide an apps on Android for different reasons i.e Social media apps, Dating apps or work related apps from kids so whatever is the reason but methods which are given below will help you to hide an app so let’s check hide apps on different phone Samsung, Redmi, OnePlus etc without disabling apps. Use Stock Launcher Some Phones of brands like Samsung, Redmi and OnePlus give a native feature to hide apps using their launcher. Hide Apps on Samsung One UI Launcher ·          Go to home screen and long-tap an empty space ·       ...